presented by Reg Corkum
hosted by Carol Macomber, Five Fires Equestrian Centre
Suitable For: Professionals and Amateurs interested in acquiring skills in photographing Sport Horses for today's competitive market.
Equipment and others Requirements:: Digital Camera with following functions...immediate response shutter, shutter speeds capability of at least 1/500 per sec, telephoto lenses of minimum 85 mm or greater. Please come prepared with a fundamental understanding of how your camera operates. Also have several flash cards, should have capability of making up to 300 images per session, also please come with charged batteries and chargers, etc.
This is a nine session course and will be "private to the participants", designed to help generate an atmosphere in which each photographer, regardless of experience, can feel relaxed and focused on the tasks assigned. The final exhibit of work by the students will be made available for viewing to the general public.
Hosted by Five Fires Equestrian Centre. .
Advance registration preferred.
Reg Corkum
Carol Macomber
About Reg:
Reg brings an eclectic and enviable resume to his photography and art. He attended the Ontario College of Art and started his career as a fashion photographer in Europe, spending eight years there and shooting for such publications as Vogue, Marie Claire and Y Moda, Dunia, Cento Cose, Lei Glamour, Cent Idees... in France, Italy, Germany and Spain.
Upon return to Canning, Nova Scotia, Reg rekindled his passion for horses (he groomed for Canadian Equestrian Team Show Jumping Captain James Elder as a young man), and launched what has become a very successful career as an equine photographer, shooting as an independent and on staff at some of the largest and most prestigious horse shows in North America.
He has collaborated with some of the industry’s best including Flash-point (Florida -Texas), Lili Weik (Virginia), Deb Dawson (California), Ed Moore (Colorado), Shawn McMillen (South Carolina), Totem Photographic (British Columbia).
His resume include some of the better known Sporthorse Shows including HITS Ocala, HITS Culpepper, HITS New York, the Hamptions (Long Island, NY), The Oaks ( San Juan Capistrano, California), Pebble Beach (California), Thunderbird (British Columbia), Show Park (Del Mar, California), Brownland Farm (Tennessee), Live Oak (combined driving, US championships), British Columbia Dressage Championships ( Vancouver,BC). With the breeders coverage of Hanoverian, ISR Oldenburg, Holsteiner, American Warmblood, and more Inspections and breed shows include Sunshine Sporthorse Qualifiers and Finals, Fairhill Breed Show, and more. The list goes on.
Learn Equine Photography with Reg Corkum.
"Every photographer has his/her particular journey in life and in their career. The motivation and level of success must come from within. It will be to your advantage to have certain skills going into the arena which you may build upon with your particular "point of view".
General Course Outline:
1) Taking a look at Standards. Classical photography. Well executed shots that last the test of time.
2)Teaching the eye... How to look at any given situation and making wise decisions to get the most consistent result, a very important step in making yourself marketable.
3} Presentation and Evaluation of Work. This covers going through the results of first shoots and editing for best results, with a discussion of what works and what doesn't, and what we need to work on for better results. Your point of view is important, and I will also offer my point of view as well based on my personal experience.
4)Photographing the horse in a natural environment.and/or at liberty. Looking for expression, animation and "emotions". A few tricks shared which can help enhance the situation to give a better result.
5) The Farm Shoot. How to plan it from beginning to end which includes the practical experience of an actual farm shoot. Directing your shot to get the result you want, with the assistance of a handler.
6) The Horse Show.... walking into a situation which may be a constant variable, having some ideas on what to look for, learning how to make decisions and apply them, regarding choices... for best results ... lighting (keeping the sun at your back, or working in overcast weather for shadow free shots... background (eliminating noise, trying to keep it as clean as possible, which can be influenced by how tight you crop and how close you are to your subject....composition (focusing, cropping, panning)...consistency (horses always have their ears up over the first element of a combination, riders tend to be more "in position" as well... checking your results as you go ( on camera editing to see if your timing is correct, exposure is correct, check for sharpness, etc).. Specific shots and assignments will be asked. As the light changes, you will need to adapt to find other solutions. Also keeping in mind good manners, such as not spooking horses while on course, etc. Horses can be highly sensitive if you are the lone person at the end of the ring. This should be a training issue but often at shows, it is "always the photographer's fault". ha
7) Business... Pricing fairly based on your experience and capability. Discussing ideas for self promotion. Selling (options and etiquette). Discussing Internet promotion and Proofing. Learning how to make money with your craft. etc. How to work around the problems we face today of on line theft. Enforcing your rights with copyright. This is an ever changing task. There are lots of subtopics here which are open for discussion. Insight is 20/20 regarding "favors and friends". Keep an eye on the bigger picture and what your real goals are.
8) Presentation of your overall results. Edited to the "best of the best". Your own talk based on what you like and why. Discussion with your peers.
9) Exhibition and Sale of Work. Open to public. An opportunity to meet new people and gather together your friends and supporters, and make back some of the expenses you had during the duration of the course
"Remember Rome was not built in a day. Some with have more natural ability than others. Such is life. Zero tolerance for displays of attitude and ego. Come with an open mind."
Course scheduled to begin Saturday, Aug. 10th and finish Thanksgiving Weekend, Oct 12.
This is a nine session course with one session per week over a nine week time period.
This is a nine session course with one session per week over a nine week time period.
Course finale and exhibition will be held in collaboration with a dressage show being held
at Five Fires on Thanksgiving weekend.. Come and see the work, and support the young talent we have developed over the course time frame.
Cost: per participant... $300 + HST (no auditors)
As an added note....
For those of you who are interested in taking the course, who are unable ro join us in person due to conflicts relating to time availability, location, distance, or other commitments, we are working out the possibility of offering this as a personalized online correspondence course as well which could fit anyone's schedule anywhere on the map,or could be used on days you were unable to attend which would. follow the same outline as the "live" course.... guide lines discussed, assignments given and critques offered through work submitted on line. We would not be able to go through the entire volume of work you shoot but with some editing to the best of your efforts, we can cover the requirements and fine tune your directions and goals.
This course as a guideline will be adaptable to other areas of interest but will follow the "sporthorse" as a basic structure. The purpose here is not to make everyone see things as I do but to help you through my experience have a broader understanding of how you can be a better "You".
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